Protecting the Natural Environment of Townsville

Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc, (CDTLI) is an urban Landcare group that has been operating in Townsville for over 20 years.

Our organisation is dedicated to the conservation and restoration of native vegetation around the Townsville region, actively managing revegetation sites across coastal dunes, creeks, and wetland areas.  We also operate a native plant nursery which is run by volunteers and is open to the public two days per week.

Bush Garden Nursery – Rowes Bay


We specialise in local provenance native plants for home gardens and revegetation projects. Our nursery is open to the public Fridays and Saturdays 8.00 am to 2.00 pm.

If you are wish to learn more about our native plants, please visit our Nursery where we also have a variety of volunteer opportunities available to suit everyone.

Stocklists are updated weekly and are available to download from the Nursery page together with our full Planting Guide which is the perfect tool for helping you choose the right plant for your garden.

Plant Catalogue

Our seeds are all collected by our dedicated volunteers within 50 km of Townsville. By planting local provenance species, you are selecting species that have adapted to our unique dry tropics climate, giving your plants you buy the best chance of thriving in the Townsville climate. Our stock list is updated weekly. Click the link to see what we have in stock. All tube stock are only $3.50 each with all proceeds going back into maintaining our Landcare revegetation sites.

Planting Guide

We have created the perfect tool for choosing the right plant for your garden. Whether you are looking for a plant to attract butterflies and birds or need a plant that can handle waterlogged soil, we have the Guide for you. We have created a guide that allows you to search over 24 specific criteria grouped by plant types (Tall trees, shrubs etc). This guide will help you find the perfect plant for your garden or revegetation project


With CDTLI you can “do your bit for the environment” and help to restore precious natural bushland around Townsville. You can also make new friends, develop your skills, get fit, and learn more .

Enquire Now


CDTLI is a not-for-profit organisation and your donation will contribute directly to local revegetation around Townsville. Use our secure Square system (green button) to donate online. You can also donate in person at the nursery, or contact us for other ways to donate.

Support Now

Become a Member

Becoming a member of CDTLI is a great way to get involved and support local landcare initiatives across the Townsville and surrounds, and become part of our community.


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When will my native plants flower?

· Guest post by Julia Hazel · Short answer: hard to predict. Long answer: please read on… Expect natural variation Native plants at CDTLI’s nursery are grown from locally-collected seed to maintain the natural characteristics of each species, including natural variability between individual plants. This variation between individuals is essential for native species to survive […] Read more

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